Step by step instruction to move your database from free hosting to your own already deploy replica set, with oplog enabled.
meteor mongo --url <your_app_domain>
To get your temporary db information.
Dump your data with:
mongodump -u <client> -h <host> -d <application_name> -p <password>
Now, we should delete the dump for the system.users collection. This is specific, we won’t need this, and it will probably cause your import to trip over, causing only partial restore.
rm dump/<application_name>/system.users.*
Finally, restore it to your new replica set:
mongorestore --db <yourdb> -h <your_first_server_ip> --port 27017 --username <yourDBAdmin> --password <password> dump/<your_dumped_application_name>
Now, to set up oplog. Log in to your mongo, and add an oplogger user, that will allow meteor to read from the oplog.
mongo use admin; db.createUser( { user: "oplogger", pwd: "<password>", roles: [ { role: "read", db: "local" } ] } ) db.runCommand({ createRole: "oplogger", privileges: [ { resource: { db: 'local', collection: 'system.replset'}, actions: ['find']}, ], roles: [{role: 'read', db: 'local'}] }) db.runCommand({ grantRolesToUser: 'oplogger', roles: ['oplogger']})
That’s it. Your db environment constant should look like that:
export MONGO_URL=mongodb://<username>:<password>@<first_db_ip>:<first_db_port>,<second_db_ip>:<second_db_port>/<yourDb> export MONGO_OPLOG_URL=mongodb://oplogger:<oploggerPassword>@<first_db_ip>:<first_db_port>/local?authSource=admin